Endings that improved movies (or ruined them)

All of the movies always tend to develop story & character towards an end, which is satisfying for some but not for all. These moments are some of the last one makers had to offer to audiences so it's not a surprise that much of the opinions on the movie are based on the endings mostly. It could make bad movie good or opposite to it. Keeping that in mind ,we are going over some of those movies where endings either covered or exposed flaws & shaped opinions of audience accordingly. All of these endings gave our thinking a new direction about rest of the movie.


5.Commando 2:
Vidhyut jamawal starers are mostly same, offering paceful action along with athletic performance of jamawal. Story & character arcs are mostly given little to no attention & everything feel rushed. Fortunately,Commando 2 took a different turn & provided some engaging villain work still movie couldn't managed to be a full thriller till the end of the movie where we got the full plan of hero was uncovered after a glorious battle suddenly the whole stupid things hero did during whole runtime made sense as part of his big plans & every subplot reached an end. The battle along with reveals made for a delicious ending of an otherwise stupid film.

4.Hobbit-The battle of five armies:
The third part of the Hobbit franchise had not only to end story started in first movie but also had to fill any plotholes of LOR franchise so it wasn't a small task. While director Peter Jackson managed to fill all plot holes, he couldn't be able to reach the level of storytelling he showed in LOR franchise. Still the last battle in this third installment pitted off every kingdom against each other. We watched hobbits, elves, humans squared off against each other & battle it out for the treasure in the middle Earth. Froddo got ring & gandalf reached village which was the first scene of LOR franchise. The end battle  was somehow better than it's parent franchise & made a good amount of fans. Action, visuals were exhilarating & covered other misdones of the whole movie.

3.Man of steel:
When Zack Snyder took the direction of this movie in his hands all of the fans were sure that they were going to experience a lot of action full of VFX,as was the record of director with movies like 300,watchmen etc at his disposal. Even after these expectations Zack Snyder managed to outdone himself again but most of the time we spend in the character development of Superman which wasn't bad but surely made movie a bit boring fans got some amazing action bit they wanted more & director knew it, that's why we got one of the most destructive final battle, maybe most destructive in the final moments of movie. The battle exceed all the expectations of the moviegoers which was worth all the wait audiences did during whole runtime. The fight alone made this movie great experience to watch.

2.Mission impossible 2:
The second installment of mission impossible franchise was the worst with zero story, predictable twists & no thrill across most of it's runtime. But when we get to it's ending somehow,we got one of the best bike chase sequences ever filmed in the cinema history, Cruise's action & a self sacrifice which amplified the character of female lead at last.  Only this sequence was the single good thing about whole movie.

1. Transformers series:
There isn't any better examples of endings that turned movies from bad to good than transformers series. Glorious battles always covered up the bad narrative, zero character development & over-sexualization of women shown to us in whole movie. This thing was repeatedly shown to us in every movie of this series, with only exception being the latest entry in the franchise, bumblebee which presented a heartful story of an estranged bumblebee. All of the battles in every movie was glorious & a shiny representation of VFX, for which fans love this series.

This movie had a lot of fears surrounding around it. From previous attempt at big screen adaptation of this same comic book story to hiring previous writer for directing this movie & then worst was reshoot done. Still after so much of things against the movie,we got a rather simple story amplified by intriguing action & a good villain & I'm not talking about alien but about Jean grey as she was more like a villain in the whole movie & caused a lot of destruction from her new powers, fans were expecting final battle of Jean & rest of X-Men,but we got an alien attack on train,still fight had it's moments, mostly of heroes,but everything went downhill as soon as main villain arrived in battle, everyone could predict that her end was going to be the worst part of the movie. Still things weren't so bad till then but what we got next had ruined movie & made it worst X-Men movie. Naming X-Men as x-women & Xavier's school of gifted youngsters to Jean Grey's school of gifted youngsters, everything was stupid as hell.

Second attempt to bring dark Phoenix saga to screen was bad, nothing good can be said about the first one too. The whole movie was less than watchable with occasion mood swings of Jean to over- powered scenes to forgettable juggernaut portrayal everything just give another excuse for movie to be bad. Ending didn't improved things but worsened them a lot. Whilst final battle,wwe got another mood swing, what director wanted to show as full unleashment of her powers bacame a cartoon ish depiction of otherwise brilliant idea. Cartoonish things started from juggernaut & then wolverine was tossed towards magneto, magneto loses powers due to injection & then he gained them back without any explanation Jean's powers ripped wolverine's all of the clothes but not his pants how exactly those powers work all of the things in this ending made people scratching their heads in confusion & leaves every one puzzled.

3.Commando 3:
Speaking of bad endings one can't forget about this movie, while rest of the movie wasn't so great & had us engaged only on action scenes,the brilliant acting of movie's villain played by gulshan devaiya made movie experience watchable. With a good cat mouse chase,we got to ending where villain's master plan was revealed & movie instantly all of the charm & respect villain got during movie was lost. We expected a long chase scene & an engaging action,but what we got was the stupidest way to stop terrorists,by forming a human wall, really.

2.Fast & furious 8(fate of the furious):
Fast & furious franchise provided us some of thbest end battles in this case chases of all time is not one of them. Whole movie gave us some good action,an engaging Chase & a lot of humor but final battle thrower everything out of the window and we got most illogical scene ever graced screen. Not only cars ran on ice,missiles were thrown by Barr hands & army waited until Dom's arrival to shoot. Also missiles fire can't pass through cars. Everything was illogical & as cold as ice, unable to Instill any thrill inside our hearts.

1. Bagghi 2:
The second installment of the bagghi franchise offered a good amount of suspense throughout it's runtime & were moving towards being an engaging thriller, but then we got this ending. We all know how a tiger Shroff movie is going to end,yet by those absymally low standards, this particular fight was very bad & illogical. More disappointing was the way how rest of the movie engaged us as a compelling work & then they went full Bollywood style. As soon as roonie jumped in the jungle, things went downhill. Two machine guns firing simultaneously,hero running barechested & without cover in front of so much of terrorists & still alive. Also the reveal in end was good,but fight made it all worse. Director had tiger star cast,so he should rely More on hand-to-hand combat, rather director opted gun fights & enthusiasm was killed. his
